Exception handling#
All exceptions that the Ansys HPS client explicitly raises inherit from the HPSError
base class. Client errors are raised for 4xx HTTP status codes, while API errors are raised for 5xx HTTP
status codes (server-side errors).
For example, instantiating a client with invalid credentials returns a 401 client error:
from ansys.hps.client import Client, HPSError
client = Client(url="https://localhost:8443/hps/", username="repuser", password="wrong_psw")
except HPSError as e:
# 401 Client Error: invalid_grant for: POST https://localhost:8443/hps/auth/realms/rep/protocol/openid-connect/token
# Invalid user credentials
A get call on a non-existing resource returns a 404 client error:
from ansys.hps.client.jms import JmsApi
jms_api = JmsApi(client)
except HPSError as e:
#404 Client Error: Not Found for: GET https://localhost:8443/hps//jms/api/v1/projects/non_existing_project