User guide#

This section walks you through the basics of how to interact with HPS. For more elaborate examples, see Examples. For descriptions of PyHPS endpoints, see API reference.

To reproduce the code samples provided in this section, you must have these prerequisites:

Connect to an HPS deployment#

You start by connecting to an HPS deployment running on the localhost with the default username and password:

from ansys.hps.client import Client
from ansys.hps.client.jms import JmsApi, ProjectApi

client = Client(url="https://localhost:8443/hps", username="repuser", password="repuser")

# check which JMS version the server is running
jms_api = JmsApi(client)

# get all projects
projects = jms_api.get_projects()

Once connected, you can query project statistics to find out how many jobs are currently running:

projects = jms_api.get_projects(statistics=True)
num_running_jobs = sum(p.statistics["eval_status"]["running"] for p in projects)

Create a project#

The MAPDL motorbike frame example consists of an Ansys Mechanical APDL beam model of a tubular steel trellis motorbike frame. This example is more fully described in the example_mapdl_motorbike_frame example.

  1. Download the ZIP file for the MAPDL motorbike frame example.

    This file contains the project setup script for creating the project and the project’s data files.

  2. Use a tool like 7-Zip to extract the files.

  3. To create the project, run the script:

    $ python path_to_download_folder\mapdl_motorbike_frame\


By default, the script tries to connect to the HPS server running on the localhost with the default username and password. If your HPS server is hosted at a different URL or you want to specify different credentials, adjust the script before running it.

Objects versus dictionaries#

By setting as_objects=False, most get, create, and update functions can return dictionaries rather than class objects. This is especially useful when the returned data needs to be further manipulated by popular packages such as NumPy and pandas.

import pandas

project = jms_api.get_project_by_name(name="Mapdl Motorbike Frame")

# Get parameter values for all evaluated jobs
jobs = project_api.get_jobs(fields=["id", "values"], eval_status="evaluated", as_objects=False)

# Import jobs data into a flat dataframe
df = pandas.json_normalize(jobs)

# Output
#                         id  values.mapdl_cp_time  values.mapdl_elapsed_time  values.mapdl_elapsed_time_obtain_license  values.max_stress  ...  values.tube6 values.tube7 values.tube8 values.tube9 values.weight
# 0   02qoqedl8QCjkuLcqCi10Q                 0.500                       24.0                                      21.9        1010.256091  ...             3            1            1            2      3.027799
# 1   02qoqedlDMO1LrSGoHQqnT                 0.406                       23.0                                      21.5         227.249112  ...             2            3            3            2     11.257201
# 2   02qoqedlApzJZd7fQSQIJg                 0.438                       24.0                                      21.2         553.839050  ...             3            2            1            2      6.358393
# 3   02qoqedlGMYZi7YBive78D                 0.469                       25.0                                      22.9         162.944726  ...             1            1            1            3      9.919099
# 4   02qoqedlKBzRz939iDCCex                 0.391                       25.0                                      22.6         218.976121  ...             3            2            2            2      6.884490
# 5   02qoqedlLfvwuA4uaf5GKR                 0.406                       24.0                                      22.4         455.888101  ...             1            3            1            2      7.346944
# 6   02qoqedlLvoSgPoLxla8F9                 0.391                       27.0                                      25.2         292.885562  ...             1            1            1            3      6.759635
# 7   02qoqedlOKg8Vg5AlTrji6                 0.484                       28.0                                      26.2         377.721100  ...             1            1            3            2      5.952097
# 8   02qoqedlRtDwuw2uTQ99Vq                 0.469                       28.0                                      25.9         332.336753  ...             1            3            2            2      7.463696
# 9   02qoqedlPYyGRTivqB5vxf                 0.453                       27.0                                      25.5         340.147675  ...             3            2            2            3      6.631538
# 10  02qoqedlN1ebRV77zuUVYd                 0.453                       28.0                                      25.5         270.691391  ...             2            2            1            3      8.077236

Set failed jobs to pending#

Query a specific project and set its failed jobs (if any) to pending:

project = jms_api.get_project_by_name(name="Mapdl Motorbike Frame")
jobs = project_api.get_jobs()

failed_jobs = [job for job in jobs if job.eval_status == "failed"]

for job in failed_jobs:
    job.eval_status = "pending"
failed_jobs = project_api.update_jobs(failed_jobs)

Modify a job definition#

Query an existing job definition, modify it, and send it back to the server:

project = jms_api.get_project_by_name(name="Mapdl Motorbike Frame")

# get currently active job_definition
job_def = project_api.get_job_definitions(active=True)[0]

# Update the lower limit of a parameter
parameter_id = job_def.parameter_definition_ids[0]
parameter_def = project_api.get_parameter_definitions(id=parameter_id)[0]
# {
#   "id": "02qoqeciKZxk3Ua4QjPwue",
#   "name": "tube1_radius",
#   "mode": "input",
#   "type": "float",
#   "default": 12.0,
#   "lower_limit": 4.0,
#   "upper_limit": 20.0,
#   "cyclic": false
# }
parameter_def.lower_limit = 2.5

# send the updated job_definition to the server

Delete some jobs#

Query for all jobs that have timed out and then delete them.

project = jms_api.get_project_by_name(name="Mapdl Motorbike Frame")

jobs = project_api.get_jobs(fields=['id'], eval_status="timeout")

Query the number of evaluators#

Query for the number of Windows and Linux evaluators connected to the HPS server:

rms_api = RmsApi(client)
evaluators = rms_api.get_evaluators()

# print number of Windows and Linux evaluators connected to the HPS server
print( len([e for e in evaluators if e.platform == "windows" ]) )
print( len([e for e in evaluators if e.platform == "linux" ]) )

Replace a file in a project#

Get file definitions from an existing project’s job definition and replace the first file:

job_def = project_api.get_job_definitions(active=True)[0]
files = project_api.get_files()
file = files[0]
file.src = r"D:\local_folder\my_project\"